Working together for results

Joining forces for pioneering innovations is of paramount importance. Partnerships can not only save lives, but also create opportunities for joint innovation. We are happy to work with pioneers who share our values and focus together on our common goals.

Research and business development partnerships

We have a long history of successful collaborations, partnering with external organisations who share our goal of making breakthroughs that change the way diseases spread, run their course or change patients’ lives.

We encourage the advancement of science through partnerships with innovators, and we are constantly looking for new partners who are actively researching bold scientific ideas, skills and technologies to bring innovative treatments to patients in need.


Areas of scientific focus

We focus our partnership efforts on the following areas.

Bacteriophage formulation / therapy use
SARS-COV2 technology
Viral subunit vaccine development

Partnership models

What do you look for in a partnership?

We use flexible partnership models, including research collaborations, scientific alliances for drug development, early-stage collaborations. We get to know each other and explore synergies, goals, needs and capabilities. Together, we may fulfil the promise of better health and longer life.

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